Can you show me the schedule? A.You won't miss the plane B.Sure,a tight schedule as usual C.Don't worry.I can he...
By the way,what do you want me to do there?A.Take it easy.I'll be there on time.B.Thank you for doing me such a favo...
what do you want me to do there?A.Thank you for doing me such a favor.B.You have to give a presentation on what our prod...
could you give me your signature here?―___________________ A.Oh,I don't have my signature with me today. B.Sorry?I...
Alright ,I will try my best.A.Do you know about business tax?B.What do you think about business tax?C.Can you give me a...
According to law,they refer to transportation,construction,finance,insurance and the like. A.Do you know taxable se...
构建中国营商环境评价指标体系的三个维度是()。[ 多选题:5分 ] A 城市高质量发展 B 衡量企业全生命周期 C 反映投资吸引力 D 体现监管与服务 E 企业全生命周期链条 [MustVI...
根据2019年09月20日发布的《国务院办公厅关于做好优化营商环境改革举措复制推广借鉴工作的通知》,供全国借鉴的改革举措主要包括()。[ 多选题:5分 ] A 提供企业档案“容e查”服务 B 建立“基本解决执行难”联动机...
“包容普惠创新”是中国营商环境评价指标体系的一个一级指标,其下设的二级指标包括()。[ 多选题:5分 ] A 创新创业活跃度 B 人才流动便利度 C 市场开放度 D 基本公共服务群众满意度 ...
构建中国营商环境评价指标体系的两个视角是()。[ 多选题:5分 ] A 城市高质量发展 B 衡量企业全生命周期 C 反映投资吸引力 D 体现监管与服务 E 企业全生命周期链条[MustVIP...